NACCT 2022 in San Francisco
Come down to the exhibits to see the future of Poison Centre Software.

#NACCT2022 #ToxAware
Come down to the exhibits to see the future of Poison Centre Software.
#NACCT2022 #ToxAware
We’ll be at booth 2 at NACCT in San Fransisco, stop by and see how much easier your life can be.
Please let us know if you’d like a private demo while in SFO.
If you have time, a great activity is to rent a bicycle near the wharf, ride over the Golden Gate bridge and down into Sausalito for lunch or snack and catch the ferry back to San Fransisco.
Have a great time at NACCT!
Recalls after a poisoning are critical. They keep the patient informed, checks for additional side-effects and gives patients a comfortable feeling.
ToxAware® provides Recalls using a simple selection of hours or days and priority, notifying specific people on any and all of their devices where ToxAware® is available. Users can independently subscribe and unsubscribe to notifications on their devices.