
ToxAware is built using industry standards of Microsoft’s ASP.Net WebAPI backend combined with Google’s Angular Frontend. This provides a well supported platform with a future growth and constant security updates.


100% Cloud Based
Easy configuration with administrator tools
Reminder Notifications on multiple devices without being logged in
Validation improves case completeness and improves data quality for research
Multiple Centre support for sharing care of cases between centres
Multiple patient Exposure cases improve patient care on group exposures
Query cases provide a non-exposure, study, industry cases
Substances recorded with path, ownership, product with multiple dose options
Case lifecycle includes collection, follow-up, review, validation, and closure with auditing of all changes.
Multiple Two-factor authentication options
Password expiration with forgotten password
User Administration is a separate from primary system
Group and Permissions level security
Offline new cases and open cases saves with automatic sync when online
Microsoft RDLC based reporting engine with optional web-based report editor
User Preferences saved automatically
Themes provide a fresh look for long shifts
Multiple Language support with instant GUI language support and data collection in most languages
Customizable Dashboard with Charts and maps
Clean logical data model with foreign keys and data integrity controls
Fully customizable Lab Tests
Case autosave and offline save to prevent data loss




Phone support is available 24 hours a day and email support for less urgent requests. ToxAware Software understands the urgency of Poison Centre operations, and how to fix them. Our extensive experience with over 15 years of support of 14 centres with continuous quality improvements will keep your centre productive and focused on patient care.

ToxAware® Cloud System is installed on public or your private cloud and users surf to a URL to start working. ToxAware updates automatically, and can be installed as a standalone application. Designed to reduce support requirements of Poison Centre staff, and be easy to use.

ToxAware Software’s team built America’s premiere desktop case management system, implementing the system, training, providing seamless transition, migrating legacy data from multiple client systems for 14 centers in the United states as MDD of Jax Beach, Inc for over 15 years.